About Coaching

I believe in the power of growing your own story.

My Coaching Philosophy

I am enthusiastic about helping other humans find alignment in how they are building their life and career. 

I call my coaching "whole person coaching" instead of life or career coaching because it invites all of who you are into the coaching space. I choose to train in the Co-Active model because it is a fantastic blend of both career and life coaching and centers the wisdom of the client. 

As your coach I will champion you from a place of curiosity and openness. I understand the challenges, excitement, and power of transforming your own story. I know the importance of getting out of your own way and growing the life you imagine. Big shifts are possible – small ones too. They all matter. The important thing is starting the work. 

Growing Home Coaching exists to support humans seeking lives built with authentic foundations.

Growing home in yourself is about  a deep sense of belonging and peace with the life you are building. It's about intentionally and actively creating a life you feel "at home" in.

My commitment is to help you grow this feeling of being at home in the life you lead: to help you discover all the things – in your career & beyond – that you wholeheartedly want to say "Yes" to!

My path to coaching

I didn't always love the life I was building for myself. Deeply exhausted and burnt out, I knew I had to make a change. My life was "successful" on paper yet draining my spirit. So, I began to dream – and build – something new.

My change included pressing pause on an established nonprofit career, and then designing a sabbatical year of reflection and writing. During my sabbatical, I traveled 12,000 miles around the country, combining personal inner exploration with external discovery and adventure.

That experience led to a powerful action: I became a Co-Active trained coach! Since completing my Co-Active training, I have received additional training in somatic coaching to expand the tools I can offer clients in the coaching space. I will always be a coach who is in the process of learning new ways to hold space and show up for my clients more powerfully. I am certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).